Ghidra Decompiler Analysis Engine
MemoryImage Member List

This is the complete list of members for MemoryImage, including all inherited members.

constructValue(const uint1 *ptr, int4 size, bool bigendian)MemoryBankstatic
deconstructValue(uint1 *ptr, uintb val, int4 size, bool bigendian)MemoryBankstatic
find(uintb addr) constMemoryImageprotectedvirtual
getChunk(uintb offset, int4 size, uint1 *res) constMemoryBank
getPage(uintb addr, uint1 *res, int4 skip, int4 size) constMemoryImageprotectedvirtual
getPageSize(void) constMemoryBankinline
getSpace(void) constMemoryBankinline
getValue(uintb offset, int4 size) constMemoryBank
getWordSize(void) constMemoryBankinline
insert(uintb addr, uintb val)=0MemoryBankprotectedpure virtual
MemoryBank(AddrSpace *spc, int4 ws, int4 ps)MemoryBank
MemoryImage(AddrSpace *spc, int4 ws, int4 ps, LoadImage *ld)MemoryImage
setChunk(uintb offset, int4 size, const uint1 *val)MemoryBank
setPage(uintb addr, const uint1 *val, int4 skip, int4 size)MemoryBankprotectedvirtual
setValue(uintb offset, int4 size, uintb val)MemoryBank
~MemoryBank(void) (defined in MemoryBank)MemoryBankinlinevirtual