Ghidra Decompiler Analysis Engine
TypeOpCallother Member List

This is the complete list of members for TypeOpCallother, including all inherited members.

evaluateBinary(int4 sizeout, int4 sizein, uintb in1, uintb in2) constTypeOpinline
evaluateUnary(int4 sizeout, int4 sizein, uintb in1) constTypeOpinline
getInputCast(const PcodeOp *op, int4 slot, const CastStrategy *castStrategy) constTypeOpvirtual
getInputLocal(const PcodeOp *op, int4 slot) constTypeOpCallothervirtual
getOperatorName(const PcodeOp *op) constTypeOpCallothervirtual
getOutputLocal(const PcodeOp *op) constTypeOpCallothervirtual
getOutputToken(const PcodeOp *op, CastStrategy *castStrategy) constTypeOpvirtual
inherits_sign enum valueTypeOp
inherits_sign_zero enum valueTypeOp
inheritsSign(void) constTypeOpinline
isCommutative(void) constTypeOp
markExplicitUnsigned(PcodeOp *op, int4 slot) constTypeOp
printRaw(ostream &s, const PcodeOp *op)TypeOpCallothervirtual
push(PrintLanguage *lng, const PcodeOp *op, const PcodeOp *readOp) constTypeOpCallotherinlinevirtual
recoverInputBinary(int4 slot, int4 sizeout, uintb out, int4 sizein, uintb in) constTypeOpinline
recoverInputUnary(int4 sizeout, uintb out, int4 sizein) constTypeOpinline
registerInstructions(vector< TypeOp * > &inst, TypeFactory *tlst, const Translate *trans)TypeOpstatic
selectJavaOperators(vector< TypeOp * > &inst, bool val)TypeOpstatic
TypeOp(TypeFactory *t, OpCode opc, const string &n)TypeOp
TypeOpCallother(TypeFactory *t)TypeOpCallother