Ghidra Decompiler Analysis Engine
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BlockDoWhile Class Reference

A loop structure where the condition is checked at the bottom. More...

#include <block.hh>

Inheritance diagram for BlockDoWhile:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for BlockDoWhile:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual block_type getType (void) const
virtual void markLabelBumpUp (bool bump)
 Let hierarchical blocks steal labels of their (first) components. More...
virtual void scopeBreak (int4 curexit, int4 curloopexit)
virtual void printHeader (ostream &s) const
 Print a simple description of this to stream. More...
virtual void emit (PrintLanguage *lng) const
 Emit the instructions in this FlowBlock as structured code. More...
virtual FlowBlocknextFlowAfter (const FlowBlock *bl) const
 Get the leaf FlowBlock that will execute after the given FlowBlock. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from BlockGraph
void clear (void)
 Clear all component FlowBlock objects.
virtual FlowBlocksubBlock (int4 i) const
virtual void markUnstructured (void)
virtual void printTree (ostream &s, int4 level) const
 Print tree structure of any blocks owned by this. More...
virtual void printRaw (ostream &s) const
virtual void finalTransform (Funcdata &data)
virtual void finalizePrinting (Funcdata &data) const
virtual void saveXmlBody (ostream &s) const
virtual void restoreXmlBody (List::const_iterator &iter, List::const_iterator enditer, BlockMap &resolver)
 Restore details about this FlowBlock from an XML stream. More...
void restoreXml (const Element *el, const AddrSpaceManager *m)
 Restore this BlockGraph from an XML stream. More...
void addEdge (FlowBlock *begin, FlowBlock *end)
 Add a directed edge between component FlowBlocks. More...
void addLoopEdge (FlowBlock *begin, int4 outindex)
 Mark a given edge as a loop edge. More...
void removeEdge (FlowBlock *begin, FlowBlock *end)
 Remove an edge between component FlowBlocks. More...
void switchEdge (FlowBlock *in, FlowBlock *outbefore, FlowBlock *outafter)
 Move an edge from one out FlowBlock to another. More...
void moveOutEdge (FlowBlock *blold, int4 slot, FlowBlock *blnew)
 Move indicated out edge to a new FlowBlock. More...
void removeBlock (FlowBlock *bl)
 Remove a FlowBlock from this BlockGraph. More...
void removeFromFlow (FlowBlock *bl)
 Remove given FlowBlock preserving flow in this. More...
void removeFromFlowSplit (FlowBlock *bl, bool flipflow)
 Remove FlowBlock splitting flow between input and output edges. More...
void spliceBlock (FlowBlock *bl)
 Splice given FlowBlock together with its output. More...
void setStartBlock (FlowBlock *bl)
 Set the entry point FlowBlock for this graph. More...
FlowBlockgetStartBlock (void) const
 Get the entry point FlowBlock. More...
FlowBlocknewBlock (void)
 Build a new plain FlowBlock. More...
BlockBasicnewBlockBasic (Funcdata *fd)
 Build a new BlockBasic. More...
BlockCopynewBlockCopy (FlowBlock *bl)
 Build a new BlockCopy. More...
BlockGotonewBlockGoto (FlowBlock *bl)
 Build a new BlockGoto. More...
BlockMultiGotonewBlockMultiGoto (FlowBlock *bl, int4 outedge)
 Build a new BlockMultiGoto. More...
BlockListnewBlockList (const vector< FlowBlock * > &nodes)
 Build a new BlockList. More...
BlockConditionnewBlockCondition (FlowBlock *b1, FlowBlock *b2)
 Build a new BlockCondition. More...
BlockIfnewBlockIfGoto (FlowBlock *cond)
 Build a new BlockIfGoto. More...
BlockIfnewBlockIf (FlowBlock *cond, FlowBlock *tc)
 Build a new BlockIf. More...
BlockIfnewBlockIfElse (FlowBlock *cond, FlowBlock *tc, FlowBlock *fc)
 Build a new BlockIfElse. More...
BlockWhileDonewBlockWhileDo (FlowBlock *cond, FlowBlock *cl)
 Build a new BlockWhileDo. More...
BlockDoWhilenewBlockDoWhile (FlowBlock *condcl)
 Build a new BlockDoWhile. More...
BlockInfLoopnewBlockInfLoop (FlowBlock *body)
 Build a new BlockInfLoop. More...
BlockSwitchnewBlockSwitch (const vector< FlowBlock * > &cs, bool hasExit)
 Build a new BlockSwitch. More...
void orderBlocks (void)
void buildCopy (const BlockGraph &graph)
 Build a copy of a BlockGraph. More...
void clearVisitCount (void)
 Clear the visit count in all node FlowBlocks.
void calcForwardDominator (const vector< FlowBlock * > &rootlist)
 Calculate forward dominators. More...
void buildDomTree (vector< vector< FlowBlock * > > &child) const
 Build the dominator tree. More...
int4 buildDomDepth (vector< int4 > &depth) const
 Calculate dominator depths. More...
void buildDomSubTree (vector< FlowBlock * > &res, FlowBlock *root) const
 Collect nodes from a dominator sub-tree. More...
void calcLoop (void)
 Calculate loop edges. More...
void collectReachable (vector< FlowBlock * > &res, FlowBlock *bl, bool un) const
 Collect reachable/unreachable FlowBlocks from a given start FlowBlock. More...
void structureLoops (vector< FlowBlock * > &rootlist)
 Label loop edges. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FlowBlock
 FlowBlock (void)
 Construct a block with no edges.
virtual bool negateCondition (bool toporbottom)
 Flip the condition computed by this. More...
virtual bool preferComplement (Funcdata &data)
 Rearrange this hierarchy to simplify boolean expressions. More...
virtual FlowBlockgetSplitPoint (void)
 Get the leaf splitting block. More...
virtual int4 flipInPlaceTest (vector< PcodeOp * > &fliplist) const
 Test normalizing the conditional branch in this. More...
virtual void flipInPlaceExecute (void)
 Perform the flip to normalize conditional branch executed by this block. More...
virtual void saveXmlHeader (ostream &s) const
 Save basic information as XML attributes. More...
virtual void restoreXmlHeader (const Element *el)
 Restore basic information for XML attributes. More...
void saveXmlEdges (ostream &s) const
 Save edge information to an XML stream. More...
void restoreXmlEdges (List::const_iterator &iter, List::const_iterator enditer, BlockMap &resolver)
 Restore edges from an XML stream. More...
void saveXml (ostream &s) const
 Write out this to an XML stream. More...
void restoreXml (const Element *el, BlockMap &resolver)
 Restore this from an XML stream. More...
const FlowBlocknextInFlow (void) const
 Return next block to be executed in flow. More...
void setGotoBranch (int4 i)
 Mark a goto branch. More...
bool isJumpTarget (void) const
 Return true if non-fallthru jump flows into this. More...
const FlowBlockgetFrontLeaf (void) const
 Get the first leaf FlowBlock. More...
FlowBlockgetFrontLeaf (void)
 Get the first leaf FlowBlock. More...
int4 calcDepth (const FlowBlock *leaf) const
 Get the depth of the given component FlowBlock. More...
bool dominates (const FlowBlock *subBlock) const
 Does this block dominate the given block. More...
bool restrictedByConditional (const FlowBlock *cond) const
 Check if the condition from the given block holds for this block. More...
bool hasLoopIn (void) const
 Is there a looping edge coming into this block. More...
bool hasLoopOut (void) const
 Is there a looping edge going out of this block. More...
int4 getInIndex (const FlowBlock *bl) const
 Get the incoming edge index for the given FlowBlock. More...
int4 getOutIndex (const FlowBlock *bl) const
 Get the outgoing edge index for the given FlowBlock. More...
bool isDecisionOut (int4 i) const
 Can this and the i-th output be merged into a BlockIf or BlockList.
bool isDecisionIn (int4 i) const
 Can this and the i-th input be merged into a BlockIf or BlockList.
bool isLoopDAGOut (int4 i) const
 Is the i-th outgoing edge part of the DAG sub-graph.
bool isLoopDAGIn (int4 i) const
 Is the i-th incoming edge part of the DAG sub-graph.
JumpTablegetJumptable (void) const
 Get the JumpTable associated this block. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from FlowBlock
enum  block_type {
  t_plain, t_basic, t_graph, t_copy,
  t_goto, t_multigoto, t_ls, t_condition,
  t_if, t_whiledo, t_dowhile, t_switch,
 The possible block types.
enum  block_flags {
  f_goto_goto = 1, f_break_goto = 2, f_continue_goto = 4, f_switch_out = 0x10,
  f_unstructured_targ = 0x20, f_mark = 0x80, f_mark2 = 0x100, f_entry_point = 0x200,
  f_interior_gotoout = 0x400, f_interior_gotoin = 0x800, f_label_bumpup = 0x1000, f_donothing_loop = 0x2000,
  f_dead = 0x4000, f_whiledo_overflow = 0x8000, f_flip_path = 0x10000, f_joined_block = 0x20000,
  f_duplicate_block = 0x40000
 Boolean properties of blocks. More...
enum  edge_flags {
  f_goto_edge = 1, f_loop_edge = 2, f_defaultswitch_edge = 4, f_irreducible = 8,
  f_tree_edge = 0x10, f_forward_edge = 0x20, f_cross_edge = 0x40, f_back_edge = 0x80,
  f_loop_exit_edge = 0x100
 Boolean properties on edges. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FlowBlock
static block_type nameToType (const string &name)
 Get the block_type associated with a name string. More...
static string typeToName (block_type bt)
 Get the name string associated with a block_type. More...
static bool compareBlockIndex (const FlowBlock *bl1, const FlowBlock *bl2)
 Compare FlowBlock by index. More...
static bool compareFinalOrder (const FlowBlock *bl1, const FlowBlock *bl2)
 Final FlowBlock comparison. More...
static FlowBlockfindCommonBlock (FlowBlock *bl1, FlowBlock *bl2)
 Find the common dominator of two FlowBlocks. More...
static FlowBlockfindCommonBlock (const vector< FlowBlock * > &blockSet)
 Find common dominator of multiple FlowBlocks. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BlockGraph
void swapBlocks (int4 i, int4 j)
 Swap the positions two component FlowBlocks. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from BlockGraph
static void markCopyBlock (FlowBlock *bl, uint4 fl)
 Set properties on the first leaf FlowBlock. More...

Detailed Description

A loop structure where the condition is checked at the bottom.

This has exactly one component with two outgoing edges: one edge flows to itself, the other flows to the exit block. The BlockDoWhile instance has exactly one outgoing edge.

Member Function Documentation

◆ emit()

virtual void BlockDoWhile::emit ( PrintLanguage lng) const

Emit the instructions in this FlowBlock as structured code.

This is the main entry point, at the control-flow level, for printing structured code.

lngis the PrintLanguage that provides details of the high-level language being printed

Reimplemented from BlockGraph.

◆ markLabelBumpUp()

void BlockDoWhile::markLabelBumpUp ( bool  bump)

Let hierarchical blocks steal labels of their (first) components.

bumpif true, mark that labels for this block are printed by somebody higher in hierarchy

Reimplemented from BlockGraph.

◆ nextFlowAfter()

FlowBlock * BlockDoWhile::nextFlowAfter ( const FlowBlock bl) const

Get the leaf FlowBlock that will execute after the given FlowBlock.

Within the hierarchy of this FlowBlock, assume the given FlowBlock will fall-thru in its execution at some point. Return the first leaf block (BlockBasic or BlockCopy) that will execute after the given FlowBlock completes, assuming this is a unique block.

blis the given FlowBlock
the next FlowBlock to execute or NULL

Reimplemented from BlockGraph.

◆ printHeader()

void BlockDoWhile::printHeader ( ostream &  s) const

Print a simple description of this to stream.

Only print a header for this single block

sis the output stream

Reimplemented from FlowBlock.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: