Enumerator |
CPUI_COPY | Copy one operand to another.
CPUI_LOAD | Load from a pointer into a specified address space.
CPUI_STORE | Store at a pointer into a specified address space.
CPUI_BRANCH | Always branch.
CPUI_CBRANCH | Conditional branch.
CPUI_BRANCHIND | Indirect branch (jumptable)
CPUI_CALL | Call to an absolute address.
CPUI_CALLIND | Call through an indirect address.
CPUI_CALLOTHER | User-defined operation.
CPUI_RETURN | Return from subroutine.
CPUI_INT_EQUAL | Integer comparison, equality (==)
CPUI_INT_NOTEQUAL | Integer comparison, in-equality (!=)
CPUI_INT_SLESS | Integer comparison, signed less-than (<)
CPUI_INT_SLESSEQUAL | Integer comparison, signed less-than-or-equal (<=)
CPUI_INT_LESS | Integer comparison, unsigned less-than (<)
CPUI_INT_LESSEQUAL | Integer comparison, unsigned less-than-or-equal (<=)
CPUI_INT_ZEXT | Zero extension.
CPUI_INT_SEXT | Sign extension.
CPUI_INT_ADD | Addition, signed or unsigned (+)
CPUI_INT_SUB | Subtraction, signed or unsigned (-)
CPUI_INT_CARRY | Test for unsigned carry.
CPUI_INT_SCARRY | Test for signed carry.
CPUI_INT_SBORROW | Test for signed borrow.
CPUI_INT_2COMP | Twos complement.
CPUI_INT_NEGATE | Logical/bitwise negation (~)
CPUI_INT_XOR | Logical/bitwise exclusive-or (^)
CPUI_INT_AND | Logical/bitwise and (&)
CPUI_INT_OR | Logical/bitwise or (|)
CPUI_INT_LEFT | Left shift (<<)
CPUI_INT_RIGHT | Right shift, logical (>>)
CPUI_INT_SRIGHT | Right shift, arithmetic (>>)
CPUI_INT_MULT | Integer multiplication, signed and unsigned (*)
CPUI_INT_DIV | Integer division, unsigned (/)
CPUI_INT_SDIV | Integer division, signed (/)
CPUI_INT_REM | Remainder/modulo, unsigned (%)
CPUI_INT_SREM | Remainder/modulo, signed (%)
CPUI_BOOL_NEGATE | Boolean negate (!)
CPUI_BOOL_XOR | Boolean exclusive-or (^^)
CPUI_BOOL_AND | Boolean and (&&)
CPUI_BOOL_OR | Boolean or (||)
CPUI_FLOAT_EQUAL | Floating-point comparison, equality (==)
CPUI_FLOAT_NOTEQUAL | Floating-point comparison, in-equality (!=)
CPUI_FLOAT_LESS | Floating-point comparison, less-than (<)
CPUI_FLOAT_LESSEQUAL | Floating-point comparison, less-than-or-equal (<=)
CPUI_FLOAT_NAN | Not-a-number test (NaN)
CPUI_FLOAT_ADD | Floating-point addition (+)
CPUI_FLOAT_DIV | Floating-point division (/)
CPUI_FLOAT_MULT | Floating-point multiplication (*)
CPUI_FLOAT_SUB | Floating-point subtraction (-)
CPUI_FLOAT_NEG | Floating-point negation (-)
CPUI_FLOAT_ABS | Floating-point absolute value (abs)
CPUI_FLOAT_SQRT | Floating-point square root (sqrt)
CPUI_FLOAT_INT2FLOAT | Convert an integer to a floating-point.
CPUI_FLOAT_FLOAT2FLOAT | Convert between different floating-point sizes.
CPUI_FLOAT_TRUNC | Round towards zero.
CPUI_FLOAT_CEIL | Round towards +infinity.
CPUI_FLOAT_FLOOR | Round towards -infinity.
CPUI_FLOAT_ROUND | Round towards nearest.
CPUI_MULTIEQUAL | Phi-node operator.
CPUI_INDIRECT | Copy with an indirect effect.
CPUI_PIECE | Concatenate.
CPUI_CAST | Cast from one data-type to another.
CPUI_PTRADD | Index into an array ([])
CPUI_PTRSUB | Drill down to a sub-field (->)
CPUI_SEGMENTOP | Look-up a segmented address.
CPUI_CPOOLREF | Recover a value from the constant pool.
CPUI_NEW | Allocate a new object (new)
CPUI_INSERT | Insert a bit-range.
CPUI_EXTRACT | Extract a bit-range.
CPUI_POPCOUNT | Count the 1-bits.
CPUI_MAX | Value indicating the end of the op-code values.