Ghidra Decompiler Analysis Engine
Classes | Typedefs
heritage.hh File Reference

Utilities for building Static Single Assignment (SSA) form

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struct  SizePass
 Label for describing extent of address range that has been heritaged. More...
class  LocationMap
 Map object for keeping track of which address ranges have been heritaged. More...
class  PriorityQueue
 Priority queue for the phi-node (MULTIEQUAL) placement algorithm. More...
class  HeritageInfo
 Information about heritage passes performed for a specific address space. More...
class  LoadGuard
 Description of a LOAD operation that needs to be guarded. More...
class  Heritage
 Manage the construction of Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. More...


typedef map< Address, vector< Varnode * > > VariableStack

Detailed Description

Utilities for building Static Single Assignment (SSA) form

Typedef Documentation

◆ VariableStack

typedef map<Address,vector<Varnode *> > VariableStack

Container holding the stack system for the renaming algorithm. Every disjoint address range (indexed by its initial address) maps to its own Varnode stack.